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Monday Motivation

The quickest way to be happy with what you are doing and where you are up to is to be happy for others. The more you start to bring others down and criticise everything that they are doing you will start to do the same for yourself, without even realising. Be happy that others are having a go and having fun! Being able to encourage others and make someone else smile will give you so much joy. And in return those people will support you and be happy for you and your achievements. You do not have to belittle someone else to make yourself feel better. It doesn’t work that way. If you do see someone doing something wrong and needing help do not laugh at them, belittle them, discourage them or talk behind their back! Go and offer some help and guidance if you can, or maybe even give them a contact for someone who can help them. Even telling them that it is ok to have a bad day and to keep striving for their goals could bring so much happiness to them. Imagine how much nicer the world would be if we all themade the effort to just be nice and encourage learning, fun and happiness together! Be Kind, Be Safe, and Happy Riding Everyone!

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